"This is the night" the Easter Proclamation tells us, "when Christ broke the prison-bars of death and rose victorious from the underworld"
The traditional icon of the Resurrection is not an empty cross or tomb, rather it is Christ...
"Behold the word of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the world". These are the words said by the priest or deacon on Good Friday as the Holy Cross is shown to the people.
Good Friday is a...
"O God, who have called us to participate in this most sacred Supper, in which your Only Begotten Son, when about to hand himself over to death, entrusted to the Church a sacrifice new for all eternity, the banquet of...
The annual Chrism Mass never used to make sense to me. It seemed rather disjointed. There is the renewal of priestly promises and then, the reason Chrism Mass is called Chrism Mass, the blessing of the oils and consecration of...
People who study these sorts of things tell me that story telling is becoming a lost art. We just don't have the attention span to sit, to listen, to be with a story. It makes us uncomfortable because it...
March 19 is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. His day is one of the two Solemnities in Lent (the other being the Annunciation, which this year will actually fall after Easter). The only thought I use to give this fact...
"Priests don't wear pink, we wear rose". So starts almost every introduction to the Mass or homily I've heard on the Fourth Sunday of Lent. That is because the color of the day can be rose, even if...
Why do I have to confess my sins? Can I not tell my sins directly to God, rather than a priest?
With confession in mind, this week's Belief Brief looks directly at the Sacrament of Confession.
In this week...
If you spend time with and around the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, you might know that the third Sunday of Lent is the time appointed for the First Scrutiny. The scrutinies, which take place on the third, fourth...
The end of the Gospel for the Second Sunday of Lent finds Jesus telling Peter, James and John not to tell anyone about what they witnessed, about Jesus' transfiguration, "until after the Son of Man has risen from the dead...
What action is at the heart of a faithful person? Prayer.
With prayer in mind, there's no better topic to look at when beginning a new catechetical series here in Our Faith Alive.
As a result of a months...
Hope is one of the theological virtues (along with faith and charity). It isn’t some pie-in-the-sky sort of wish for something that may or may not be likely: “I hope it doesn’t...
It's starting to seem like the Church's calendar and the secular calendar have gotten together and decided that 2017/2018 will be the year of inconvenient dating. First, Christmas and Mary, the Mother of God were both on...
Earlier this week, I noted that the online world had marked January 15 as "Blue Monday," believed to be the most depressing day of the year.
As we get into the rhythm of a New Year, you might still be...
The following post is contributed by Mary Kay Boase, the Director of New Evangelization at Holy Family Parish in Whitby.
Our parishioners are on a journey, rediscovering what faith means in our lives – and who we are as a...
It is finally here! It is finally Christmas. All the waiting and preparing has paid off, Christ is born! Now we can sit back and rest in the peace of Christ….right? Well, maybe not.
The first reading for...
"Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts, that we, to whom the Incarnation of Christ your Son was made known by the message of an Angel, may by his Passion and Cross be brought to...
"Among you stands one whom you do not know…" That is how John the Baptist refers to Jesus when he is speaking to those who had been sent to him by the Pharisees. Imagine that, Jesus Christ is in...
Tim Haynes is the president of the Conquest Boys Club (St. Bernadette's chapter) in Ajax. In Ontario, there's a growing number of boys participating in Conquest, with chapters in Hamilton, Milton, Oakville, Ottawa and Cornwall. Worldwide, there are...
The Good News (Gospel) in the Gospel of Mark starts with a call to preparation found in the mouth of the Prophet Isaiah and John the Baptist. I know I normally think of John as calling for preparation in the...